August 20, 2020

Transition to Remote Learning: E-Classroom Tips and Tricks

With the opening of online classes closing-in day by day, Bulacan State University is uninterrupted in its mandate to make its students informed and prepared as it launched the third episode of its Webinar Series for Students, on August 19, 2020.

By Media Relations Office

Entitled “Diskarte sa E-klase: Tricks on How to Embrace E-Classroom”, the guest lecturer Dr. Michael Joseph S. Diño, explained the dynamics of remote learning, having a “study space” at home, and recommended some learning habits, and even device and application requirements to help BulSUan students transition smoother into flexible learning.

For those who missed it, this episode is available for viewing anytime at the official Facebook Page of the BulSU Student Affairs for External Campuses and the official YouTube channel of BulSU, Bulacan State University – Media Relations Office.