May 28, 2019

Tree Planting @ Hagonoy Campus

Trees are one of the nature's most prevalent climate change fixes. It also provides other environmental benefits as well; from offering habitat for all kinds of animals and insects to being a source of respite and comfort for people. Now more than ever, the value of trees continues to increase and more benefits are being discovered as their role expands to satisfy the needs created by people's modern lifestyles. In light of this and in response to the growing threat of global warming, Bulacan State University (BulSU) instigated a tree planting activity at the vacant grounds of the BulSU Hagonoy Campus on May 25, 2019.

By University Communications Group

One hundred forty-five seedlings, composed of hardwood and fruit bearing trees, were planted through the cooperation of the Executive Committee headed by University President Dr. Cecilis S. Navasero-Gascon, the University Extension Office, the entire Administrative Council, and the Hagonoy Campus Administration, faculty, and NSTP students. During her short message, Dr. Gascon highlighted the significance of the event and implored all members of the BulSU community, specifically the graduating batch of students, to plant trees and continue the practice of caring for the environment in order to safeguard the future for the next generations. The event concluded with a hearty feast for all of those involved in the activity.